RealConnect Tenant Report Dashboard Widgets
Note: All dates and times are in UTC.
License Overage
The total number of attempted / dialed calls that were beyond license capacity.
Rejected Calls
The number of calls rejected because they were beyond license capacity.
Surged Calls
The number of calls allowed to proceed even though they were beyond license capacity.
Total Active Calls
The total number of active VTC calls.
Total Count
The total number of calls in the time period selected.
A separate Skype and Teams Count statistic is displayed if used.
Note: This does NOT include Skype or Teams client usage, only VTCs that called into the Skype or Teams interop service. It also does NOT include any participants joined via audio.
Total Duration
The duration sum of all the calls during the time period selected, in Hours:Minutes:Seconds.
A separate Skype and Teams Duration statistic is displayed if used.
Total Max Duration
The maximum call duration during the time period selected, in Hours:Minutes:Seconds.
A separate Skype and Teams Max Duration statistic is displayed if used.
Total Median Duration
The median duration of all calls during the time period selected, in Minutes:Seconds.
A separate Skype and Teams Median Duration statistic is displayed if used.
Charts and Graphs
Active Calls
This bar chart displays current VTC calls by deployment, with SIP and H.323 calls identified. Hover over a bar to display additional information.
Active Calls Over Time
This chart displays the number of calls joined (in the time parameter set) and the number of calls concurrently active during the time period selected.
Note: There may be cases where the Total Joined calls are much higher than the Max Concurrent calls, this can be a result (for example) when a call has joined and hung up before the next call joined. In this case there was only one concurrent call even though two calls joined during that time bin.
Call Duration
This bar chart displays how long calls lasted separated into groups of times. For example, groups are 1s, 5s, 30s, etc. The first bar is calls that were less than or equal to 1 second. The second bar is calls that were longer than 1 second but less than or equal to 5 seconds. The third bar is calls that were less than or equal to 30 seconds but longer than 5 seconds. Hover over a bar to display additional information.
Call End Reasons
A pie chart breaking down the reasons the calls have ended, during the time period selected. Hover over a slice to display additional information, if available.
Note: The slice Other is normally selectable to show this slice in greater detail. Reasons and definitions of those reasons may vary, and we will keep them up-to-date here. Below are some of the current most common End Reasons:
- VTC Ended Call: The end user ended or hung up the call
- Meeting Lookup Failed
- Failed Getting Meeting Information
- 302 Redirect
Devices Bar
These are the VTC devices that have called into the RealConnect service. This bar chart displays the same information as the Device Pie. Hover over a bar to display additional information.
Devices Pie
This pie chart displays video devices by make, model, version and sub-version where possible. Hover over a slice to display additional information (i.e. the number of calls made from these endpoints).
- Unknown devices are those which have agent names returned by the database, but were not parsed into make, model, version, sub-version.
- Other devices are those that the database returned as beyond the scope of the query. When Other displays, there are too many devices in the returned results to enumerate them all, and the results are not conclusive. Please reduce the timeframe to include fewer devices.
Note: Current limits are approximately 1000 unique agent types returned. Also note that even though an agent may be a single type, there may be many unique strings that the agent identifies itself. For example, an RPD version 1.0.3 may be identified as RealPresenceDesktop Version 1.0.3 or, RPDv1.0.3, or other variations, and each of those is one unique agent type, even though the agent itself is the same.
Most Used Endpoints
A bar chart of the endpoints that made the most calls during this time period.
Top Conferences
This bar chart displays the most called conference IDs, hover over the bar and the number of VTC calls dialed into that conference ID will display.
Note: Charts do not auto-refresh, including the active calls charts. To get the most current information, the user must reload the page.