RealConnect End Reasons
The following content is subject to change at any time without notification. Last Modified: 12/03/2021
The following is a list of current End Reasons and their (relative) explanations:
AS SIP calls require a priority:
Call signalling used AS SIP but did not set priority in the signalling headers.Audio mode for OCS is disabled:
The call attempted to make a collect call through a VoIP gateway, RealConnect does not accept these calls.Call denied by access control:
Call rejected by the domain's ACL, this usually indicates that not all the necessary permissions have been granted to the service.Call did not return after 302 redirect:
Firewall ports may not be fully opened in this network segment.Call ended (unknown):
A catch all for unknown/unclassified call end conditions.Call ended with client error status (4xx):
While redirecting signal path the call received a 4xx http response code.Domain is not hosted by this service:
The call domain lookup failed. (Skype only)Duration expired:
The DMA ended the call which exceeded the max call duration. (Skype only)Exceeded the maximum call lifetime:
The call reached the maximum call lifetime allowed by Teams, which is about 24 hours by default.Failed getting meeting info:
The Teams side of the gateway failed to look up the meeting information from Microsoft. (Teams only)Failed to join Live Event, set up VTC as a trusted device:
Attempted to join a Live Event that was set to only allow trusted devices. Contact your administrator to set up your endpoint as trusted or Live Event Producer to set the Live Event to allow untrusted devices.Failed transferring call:
The signalling load balancer failed to transfer the call from one service to another, or from one region to another.H.323 VEQ calls are not currently supported:
The call attempted to use a virtual entry queue with H.323, which is currently unsupported. (Skype only)Hangup: SIP CANCEL:
The call received a SIP cancel message from the endpoint indicating that call signalling should end.Insufficient licenses available:
All available licenses were in use at the time of the call.IVR timed out while collecting digits:
The call reached the timeout while collecting digits, the timeout varies depending on the frequency of the received DTMF digits.Meeting ended for all participants by a Teams participant:
The meeting was ended for all participants by a Teams participant, the name of the participant that ended the meeting will be displayed before the call ends.Meeting locked, no new participants may join:
The meeting's roster has been locked and no new participants may join. Ask the administrator of the meeting to unlock the meeting so you may join.Meeting lookup unauthorized:
The RealConnect service received an AccessViolation (HTTP code 401 in the signaling) from Microsoft that prevented the service from looking up the meeting. This usually means the tenant hasn't granted all the permissions necessary for the Real Connect service to look up meetings or join calls.Meeting Not Found:
The meeting may have been cancelled, expired, or the meeting number was dialed incorrectly.No acceptable response was available for the specified resource:
Received a request for a resource that was unknown/unacceptable. (Skype only)Participant session expired:
The call was disconnected because the audio ended this can happen if there are delays in the network. (Skype only)Removed from conversation by another participant:
A Teams/Skype user, granted with presenter rights, removed the VTC participant from the roster of the Teams/Skype meeting.SIP call did not have SDP:
The SIP invite from the endpoint did not have a valid SDP offer attached.SIP call SDP did not specify video or media:
The SIP invite did not have Audio/Voice or Video options in its SDP invite.Teams ended call:
The Teams side of the gateway ended the call, usually by a Teams client ending the meeting. (Teams only)TeamsAgent failed joining call:
The Teams side of the gateway failed to join the call. This is a catch all for situations where Microsoft Teams SDK throws an exception we were not expecting, that is unrecoverable. (Teams only)TeamsAgent not authorized to join call:
The Teams side of the gateway received an AccessViolation (HTTP code 401 in the signaling) from Microsoft that prevented it from joining the call. This usually means the tenant hasn't granted all the permissions necessary for the Teams gateway to join their calls. (Teams only)The call was ended after not receiving media for 3 minutes:
The gateway ended the call after 3 minutes of not receiving any audio and video media from the VTC.The offered bandwidth was too low:
The bandwidth offered by the endpoint was too low to proceed with the call.The security token has expired:
The security token for the ESA load balancer has expired (only has a 20 sec lifetime), this is to prevent replay attacks. If a call is redirected to different regions enough, it can trigger this failure.The security token is invalid:
The ESA load balancer security hash was invalid, usually seen for calls that skip the ESA load balancer and reached a signalling gateway directly.This conversation has ended as only one participant was remaining:
The conference reached the 30-minute timeout for meetings with only one VTC caller and zero Teams or Skype clients participating in the conference.Timed out waiting in the lobby:
The Teams gateway was never accepted into the meeting from the lobby and timed out after 15 minutes. (Teams only)Timeout: ACK not received from endpoint:
Indicates a SIP ACK from the endpoint was never received in signalling. (Skype only)Unexpected error from Microsoft:
Microsoft returned an unexpected error in signalling, this can range from resource lookup failures to server errors.VTC ended call:
The VTC (SIP/H.323) ended the call.Worker role service was stopped:
Indicates the underlying compute service stopped while the call was ongoing. (Teams only)