RealConnect Tenant Report Dashboard
The dashboard allows the user to customize this page, by selecting widgets, along with their position and size. Click the Edit button to customize the dashboard.
Note: The default configuration displays all available widgets.
To reset the dashboard to its default configuration, click Edit > Deselect All, and Save & Exit. When the page is reloaded, the dashboard will reset to the default configuration.
To customize the dashboard, click Edit, select/deselect widgets from the list to display. As a widget is selected, it will appear at the bottom of the current layout. To clear a widget, deselect the widget in the list, or click the X icon (upper right corner of the widget).
The widgets can be moved (drag-and-drop) and resized using the bottom right corner.
Use the Save & Exit button to save changes, or the Cancel button to reset and reload the widgets to the last saved state.